Lucid Console

The Console companion for the Lucid Architecture.

Console is a set of methods to easily manage [create, delete] Lucid components such as Jobs, Operations, Features as well as Laravel's own components such as Controller, Eloquent Model, Request and many more; ensuring that they go where they belong and are generated with their test companion to assist you as you build your application. These methods are exposed through a command-line interface and a user interface.

Command-Line Interface

Console ships with a command-line interface called lucid that you can find at vendor/bin/lucid after running composer install in the root of your application. It is used as

lucid make:feature ListUsers Api

For convenience you might want to address lucid directly instead of having to go through ./vendor/bin every time. To do that you need to add ./vendor/bin as part of your shell session's $PATH. For the current session, run:

export PATH="./vendor/bin:$PATH"

However, it will only be available for the current session. To make it permanent, add it to your shell profile (~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc) and you will be able to simply call lucid from the application's root directory.

To view a list of all available lucid commands, you may use the list command:

lucid list

Also, just like in Artisan, every command includes a "help" screen which displays and describes the command's available arguments and options. To view a help screen, precede the name of the command with help:

lucid help make:feature

Available Commands

Set the root namespace with:


src:name <namespace>


Generate Service Directory Structure

make:service <name>
  • Microservice: N/A

  • Monolith: src/Services/<name>

Generate Controller

make:controller <controller> [<service>]
  • Microservice: app/Http/Controller

  • Monolith: src/Services/<service>/Http/<controller>

Generate Feature Class

make:feature <feature> [<service>]
  • Microservice: app/Features/<feature>

  • Monolith: src/Services/<service>/Features/<feature>

Generate Job Class in a Domain

make:job <job> <domain> [--queue]
  • Microservice: app/Domains/<domain>/Jobs/<job>

  • Monolith: src/Domains/<domain>/Jobs/<job>

Generate Migration

make:migration <migration> [<service>]
  • Microservice: database/migrations/<migration>

  • Monolith: src/Services/<service>/database/migrations/<migration>

Generate Eloquent Model Class

make:model <model>
  • Microservice: app/Data/<model>

  • Monolith: src/Data/<model>

Generate Request Class

make:request <request> [<service>]
  • Microservice: app/Http/Requests/<request>

  • Monolith: src/Services/<service>/Http/Requests/<request>

Generate Policy Class

make:policy <policy>
  • Microservice: app/Policies

  • Monolith: src/Policies

Generate Operation Class

make:operation <operation> [<service>]
  • Microservice: app/Operations/<operation>

  • Monolith: src/Services/<service>/Operations/<operation>


List Services in a Monolith


List Features

list:features [<service>]

In a Monolith, specify the Service to scope the list.


These are pretty obvious.

  • delete:service <name>

  • delete:feature <feature> [<service>]

  • delete:job <job> <domain>

  • delete:model <model>

  • delete:request <request> [<service>]

  • delete:policy <policy>

User Interface

Last updated

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